01422 323339
If you are a professional who is supporting someone affected by domestic abuse you can refer them directly into Calderdale Staying Safe. We understand that you are busy so we do not insist on completion of a lengthy referral form. You can refer by phone or by completing the form below.
We will need to take some details from you about the person you are referring and you must have the person’s consent to refer directly into us.
Professionals working with someone who they believe are at high risk of serious harm or death can refer into MARAC via the DA hub.
Here is a link to the Calderdale Multi-agency Domestic Abuse Hub Guidance for referrals into the MARAC/DA Hub: Calderdale MARAC/DA HUb Referral Guidance.

A copy of the Calderdale Multi-agency DASH Risk Assessment & Hub/MARAC referral form can be found here along with other useful information for professionals: Calderdale Domestic Mutli-agency DASH & Hub Forms. If you have any queries or are unsure about making a referral the hub can be contacted on 01422 337176 or via email at
As the contracted domestic abuse service for Calderdale we deliver a range of training/briefings on domestic abuse as part of the local multi-agency offer. Details of the training can be found here in the current training programme and also information on how to book via Enable: Training for Professionals
Safe Lives’ Knowledge Hub
This hub includes resources for MARAC meetings, for frontline Domestic Abuse workers and other professionals and on working with victims-survivors from marginalised groups.
Family Rights Group’s resources for Working with Families and Young People Affected by Domestic Abuse
These resources were developed for local authority decision-makers and social workers working with families affected by domestic abuse.
RIPFA’s Resources on Coercive Control
This website is for social workers and other health and social care professionals to develop their knowledge and skills around coercive control.
Respect Toolkit for Working with Male Victims-Survivors
In-depth toolkit produced by the charity Respect on working with male-victims of domestic abuse and violence.